Welcome to the new BHI website. During its staged implementation, earlier reports not available on this site can be accessed on the old website.

Contact us

Bureau of Health Information

1 Reserve Road
St Leonards NSW 2065
Phone: +61 2 9464 4444

General enquiries

General: BHI-enq@health.nsw.gov.au

Patient surveys: BHI-PatientSurvey@health.nsw.gov.au

Do you have feedback about your experience with the NSW public healthcare system? Please provide it directly to the hospital or NSW Ambulance.

Media enquiries


Data requests

Please complete a data request form and email it to BHI-enq@health.nsw.gov.au

To access patient survey data, visit the Data access and research page.

Right to information

Our Right to Information page outlines the information held by BHI and how to access it.