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Patients’ experiences of hospital care over time

This report provides insights into more than 200,000 people’s experiences as admitted or emergency department patients in NSW public hospitals since 2018.

It focuses on these patients’ experiences of care in three areas of high priority to the NSW health system: kind and compassionate care; effective communication and information; and discharge planning.

Released: 18 September 2024

The Insights Series reports contain in-depth analyses of different elements of healthcare performance and identify opportunities to improve healthcare management, patient experiences and patient outcomes in NSW public hospitals. Explore other reports in this series

Selected results

2018–2023 NSW

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Supplementary data tables

Detailed results, including trend analyses, for all local health districts and specialty networks.

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New report shows demand for NSW emergency department, ambulance services continues to grow

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Blog post: Connecting NSW Patient Survey Program questions with strategic improvement priorities

Every question in our surveys is founded on evidence that relates to an experience that matters to patients and that can be useful to providers in taking improvement action. Many can also be linked to specific strategic priorities for the health system.

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Related reports

Healthcare in Focus – People’s experiences of hospital care: Insights from five years of patient feedback

This report examines experiences of care of more than 200,000 people who visited emergency departments or were admitted to public hospitals over a five-year period.

Released: 22 July 2020

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Other reports in this series

The Insights Series – Hospital care experiences for people who mainly speak a language other than English

This in-depth report examines the experiences in NSW public hospitals of more than 22,000 patients who mainly speak a language other than English at home.

Released: 25 October 2023

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The Insights Series – Patients’ experiences of elective surgery care

This short-form report highlights key actionable insights from BHI’s analyses of the experiences of 1,157 patients who had elective surgery in one of 63 NSW public hospitals between August and October 2022.

Released: 25 October 2023

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The Insights Series – Patients’ experiences of virtual care in 2022

This short-form report highlights key actionable insights from survey results reflecting the experiences of 2,301 patients who had at least one virtual care appointment with a public hospital outpatient clinic in November or December 2022, and completed the Virtual Care Survey 2022.

Released: 16 August 2023

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The Insights Series – Patients’ experiences of ambulance services

BHI introduced a module into the Emergency Department Patient Survey for people who arrived by ambulance to large NSW emergency departments between July and September 2022. This short-form Insights report highlights key actionable insights from BHI’s analyses of the experiences of 1,230 patients who responded.

Released: 07 June 2023

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The Insights Series – Aboriginal people’s experiences of hospital care

This report draws on results from the Adult Admitted Patient Survey and Maternity Care Survey to explore the experiences of care of Aboriginal people in NSW public hospitals from 2014 to 2019.

Released: 21 July 2021

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The Insights Series – Exploring experiences of hospital care for people with disability

This report examines, for the first time, experiences of patients with disability in NSW public hospitals. It draws on results from the Adult Admitted Patient Survey 2015.

Released: 18 October 2017

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The Insights Series – Healthcare in rural, regional and remote NSW

Assesses the accessibility, appropriateness and effectiveness of healthcare provided to people in rural, regional and remote NSW.

Released: 10 November 2016

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The Insights Series – Hospital care for Aboriginal people

This report reflects the experiences of care of almost 2,700 Aboriginal people who were admitted to a NSW public hospital in 2014.

Released: 10 August 2016

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The Insights Series – How do outpatient cancer clinics perform?

Produced in collaboration with the Cancer Institute NSW, this report reflects the experiences of almost 3,700 patients who visited a NSW public hospital outpatient clinic during February or March 2015.

Released: 20 July 2016

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The Insights Series – Healthcare performance across the life span, Volume 2: Utilisation and experiences of care of children and young people aged 0–17 years

This report examines how children and young people use and experience health services in NSW. Focusing on children aged 0–17 years, the report explores three different types of services: emergency department visits, hospital admissions and elective surgery.

Released: 19 May 2016

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The Insights Series – Hospital care for people with cancer

Produced in collaboration with the Cancer Institute NSW, this report reflects the experiences of almost 6,500 people with cancer who received treatment in NSW public hospitals from July 2013 to July 2014.

Released: 28 October 2015

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The Insights Series – Healthcare performance across the life span, Volume 1: Utilisation and experiences of care of people aged 55 years and over

This report examines the relationship between ageing and healthcare, particularly in terms of how older people use and experience health services. Focusing on adults aged 55+ years, it explores age-stratified patterns of hospitalisation, elective surgery and emergency department visits, as well as patients’ experiences of care.

Released: 09 September 2015

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The Insights Series – Exploring aspects of integration for emergency department patients, Volume 2

This report focuses on one element of healthcare shaped by integration, patient experiences, and one patient group – those who attended a NSW emergency department (ED) from April 2013 to March 2014.

Released: 14 May 2015

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The Insights Series – Exploring aspects of integration for hospital patients, Volume 1

This report focuses on one element of healthcare shaped by integration, patient experiences, and one patient group – those admitted to a NSW hospital during 2013.

Released: 10 December 2014

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The Insights Series – Emergency department utilisation by people with cancer

Produced in collaboration with the Cancer Institute NSW, this report uses linked historical data from NSW cancer registries and hospital databases to plot the journey of almost 200,000 visits by cancer patients to the emergency department.

Released: 20 November 2014

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The Insights Series – Mental health services in NSW public facilities, Volume 1 – Inpatient Care

This report reflects the experiences of more than 1,000 people admitted to NSW public hospitals for specialised psychiatric care in February 2010 and February 2011. Results are available at NSW level and for individual hospitals and local health districts.

Released: 03 October 2013

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The Insights Series – Mental health services in NSW public facilities, Volume 2 – Community Mental Health

This report reflects the experiences of almost 4,000 people who received community mental health services across NSW in 2010 and 2011. Results are available at NSW level and for individual health services/facility groups and local health districts.

Released: 03 October 2013

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The Insights Series – Chronic Disease Care: Another piece of the picture, Volume 2, Part 2

This report provides new insights into care for people admitted to NSW public hospitals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or congestive heart failure by offering more information on hospitalisation patterns.

Released: 22 May 2012

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The Insights Series – Patient Care Experiences: Outpatient services in NSW public hospitals

This report reflects what more than 7,000 patients said about their experiences with NSW public hospital outpatient services in February 2010.

Released: 11 August 2011

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The Insights Series – Chronic Disease Care: A piece of the picture, Volume 2, Part 1

This report examines potentially avoidable admissions for congestive heart failure and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in NSW public hospitals from July 2009 to June 2010.

Released: 23 June 2011

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The Insights Series – Patients' perspectives on NSW public hospitals

Using the results of the NSW Health Patient Survey 2009, this report examines the care experiences of patients admitted to NSW public hospitals in 2009.

Released: 27 May 2010

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