Welcome to the new BHI website. During its staged implementation, earlier reports not available on this site can be accessed on the old website.

Have you received a questionnaire

Why have I received a questionnaire?

The Bureau of Health Information (BHI) invites people who have recently received care from a NSW hospital or health service to take part in patient surveys. These surveys make up the NSW Patient Survey Program.

If you have received an invitation, this is an opportunity to share feedback confidentially about your experience that will be used to help improve care for patients.

What happens with my responses?

Your responses, along with the responses of all the other people who took part in the survey, will be used to develop reports on the performance of NSW healthcare system, including your local health services.

People working in hospitals, local health districts and the NSW Ministry of Health use the survey results to see where there are opportunities to improve care for patients.

Survey results are available here on the BHI website.

Your responses will be treated confidentially. We do not provide any identifying information to the NSW Ministry of Health, the hospital or health service you attended, your doctor or other health provider unless required by law. Our Privacy Statement is available here.

How do I complete my questionnaire?

If you have received an invitation to take part in a BHI survey, you can fill out the paper questionnaire we mailed you or complete the survey online using the unique access code on your cover letter. Scan the QR code or click the button below to begin.

If you have any questions or need help filling in the questionnaire, please contact the toll-free Patient Survey Helpline on 1800 220 936 (Monday to Friday, 9am–8pm).

Start survey

Surveys faq

Frequently asked questions

Do you have a question about a survey you’ve been invited to take part in, or the NSW Patient Survey Program in general? Check our frequently asked questions, where we have answered some of the most common enquiries we receive.

Current surveys

You may have been invited to take part in one of these surveys, which we are collecting responses for at the moment.

Surveys AAPS Virtual Care questionnaire

Adult Admitted Patient Survey

Surveys AAPS Aboriginal questionnaire

Adult Admitted Patient Survey for Aboriginal patients

Questionnaire cover

Outpatient Cancer Clinics Survey

Surveys EDPS questionnaire

Emergency Department Patient Survey

View all questionnaires and development reports for all years here
About the NSW Patient Survey Program

About the NSW Patient Survey Program

Each year, we ask people from across NSW to tell us about their experiences with the public healthcare system as part of the NSW Patient Survey Program.

Get survey results

Get survey results

To hear when the results of our patient surveys are released, sign up to our report release updates.
