Welcome to the new BHI website. During its staged implementation, earlier reports not available on this site can be accessed on the old website.

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Mental health

Depending on the complexity of their mental health issues and associated care needs, a person may use one or a range of public services as part of their journey of care.

BHI reports routinely on seclusion and restraint practices in specialised acute mental health units, and basic measures of hospital activity for people with mental health conditions. Other bodies produce reports which provide a broader picture of mental health services in NSW and Australia.

Explore key findings from recent BHI reports and information products relevant to mental health below.

In 2019, BHI released an in-depth report on mental health care in NSW. While migration of content to this new website continues, this report remains available on our previous website here.

Healthcare Quarterly results

Apr–Jun 2023 NSW

The Healthcare Quarterly Seclusion and Restraint Supplement includes routine reporting of seclusion and restraint practices in more than 40 NSW hospitals, along with basic measures of hospital activity for people with mental health conditions.

The main report includes basic measures of activity and timeliness of care for patients admitted to hospital for mental health reasons.

Released: 6 September 2023

HQ animated Gif

Healthcare in Focus – People’s use and experiences of mental health care in NSW

2013–2018 NSW

This report looks at the use and experiences of NSW public health services by people with lived experience of mental health issues.

Released: 21 August 2019

Healthcare in Focus animation

For population health data on mental health in NSW, see HealthStats NSW

For consumer experience data on mental health services, see the results of the Your Experience of Service (eYES) survey